Thinking of Starting a Career in Real Estate? 

Good call. The income potential is nearly limitless, the schedule is flexible, and the opportunities for growth and leadership roles are there in spades. Plus it's fun.

Download Our Free Guide!

Here are some questions new agents have...

Is there an exam?

Yes, actually there are two.

How do I get clients?

A few ways, and we've got them all mastered for your success.

Is there training?

Yes, and mentoring. We want you to be successful. You do too.

Is there a class?

Yes, your download will tell you the dates and details.

How much can I make?

Depends, but our new agents generally hit $75k or more in year 2, and it goes up and up from there.

But I've never been in sales?

Who cares? If you're an E-SWAN (check the download), we can give you all the skills and tools to be very successful.

What's the process?

It's detailed, but not difficult. We break it down for you.

Is the schedule flexible?

It is, and we have ways of making it effective too. Work / Life Balance is our goal!

Do I get a company car?

Nice try.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What areas do you cover?

Based in Montpelier, we've been covering Washington County since 2013. As our team continues to grow, we're accepting more and more clients in Chittenden County. Our growth areas are in Chittenden and Washington Counties. Last year we had sales in 12 of Vermon'ts 14 counties.

Are you hiring experienced agents too? Or just new licensees?

Both! If you're an E-SWAN and want to put Green Light Real Estate's agent development and training strategies into action to spark your career, or take it to the next level, let's do it!

Is it at all like Selling Sunset?

No. None of us (I should confirm this!) have ever even been in a helicopter. And who wants shoes with a comma in the price tag?

Can I work from home?

Most of us work from home a lot of the time. We also work from any of the offices whenever we want. It's helpful to have different places to work, because you never know where you'll be from day to day! We have in place technologies that allows massive flexibility.

Want to talk it over before signing up?

Send us a message at and we’ll reach out to set up a call.

Green Light Your Real Estate Career.

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